
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The tribes of Muriwhenua

We as a class were given an assignment to talk and explain about the tribes of Muriwhenua

Thursday, November 22, 2018

The legend of Herekino

This week we were making an animation or storybook about a Maori legend. I did mine about Herekino. 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Rm 3 & 4 camp 2018

Last week for camp Rm 3 & 4 went to the farm. I’m pretty sure everyone had a great time and enjoyed all the things we did. Activities included Motorbike riding, Raft building, Mud run, Horse riding, kayaking, night games and much more.

My favorite activity was motorbike riding. We rode little 80 and 90 cc bikes. Mike (the guy in charge of the motorbike riding) even pulled apart the motor for us so we could see how it works and what it looks like. when I was riding I got airtime ( half a meter of the ground )


Monday, October 22, 2018

Things I enjoy

Hey, there Gisborne kids my teacher says I have to tell you about me. So I have posted some pictures of stuff I enjoy.


Monday, September 24, 2018

Persuasive Speech

These past few weeks we have been creating and presenting speeches. The topics this year weren't the best but we all made do. here's my one hope you enjoy.     


The gender pay gap or gender wage gap is the average difference between the salary for men and women who are working. There are two distinct numbers regarding the pay gap

This is absolute rubbish Why just why people getting paid less because of their gender like dude how much more messed up can us humans get.  Last time I checked there's no discount for being a woman groceries doesn't cost them less, rent doesn't coast them less so why the heck should they be paid less

In the last 20 years, the gender pay gap has only been reduced by 7%. In 2012 it was at its lowest wich was 9.1% . The causes of the gender pay gap are complex. In the past, a significant proportion of the gender pay gap was due to factors such as differences in education, the professions and industries that men and women work in, or the fact that women are more likely to work part-time, but these factors only represent 20 % of the problem

The other 80 % of the gender pay gap is now steered by what the research calls “unexplained” factors. These are the harder to identify factors, like awear and unawear prefrences impacting negatively on women’s recruitment and pay. Women could do the same job as men and have the same qualifications but still be paid less luckily  as a teacher that type of stuff doesn't matter. although have you noticed that more men are given higher up roles in companys.

to be honest I think its insane. women don't deserve to be paid less. men and women have roles different roles but deserve to be paid equally

thank you for taking your time to read my blog

feel free to leave a comment below      




Sunday, August 19, 2018

Anzac day poem

Today we had to upload something so I decided that this would do
less we forget


As the bullets fell to the ground in sync with slowly dying heartbeats and men crawling through mud and bodies, rain pounding down on them telling them, forcing them to give in. But still, they stagger on through night and day. The war was lost the day of arrival, I always hoped I would see them again but now I lay alongside the bullets, had once shot myself. 

Image result for anzac

By Reuben

why do you think the Anzacs lost from day one?



Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Persuasive posters

We have been learning about zero waste in room 3 this term. in addition, we have mad persuasive posters and infographics us as humans make to much plastic and instead of being proactive were reactive here they are.